Khnom-e-Safir, Coordinator

Initiator of the “Tontine House” Concept

Bradley Jessup founded Amazing Business Consulting over 20 years ago in 1995. Starting with the U.S. Small Business Administration, he had spent over 15 years helping new entrepreneurs get their businesses off the ground, but wanted to offer more. He spent the first few years of his business making additional contacts and focusing his efforts on matching business owners and executives with consultants who could help make their business shine.

Mr. Jessup also spends his time volunteering with organizations to help cottage industries get on their feet, providing mentoring to a number of business owners and spends two weeks a year sightseeing, enjoying the sun and soaking up the local culture in Belize.

Esperance K., Partner

Owner of the Land

Cindy Fields, our CFO, has spent over two decades in similar positions in a number of companies, including Fortune 500. She has also developed our new program, Smart Finances for Business, which will cover analyzing investments, applying market intelligence in financial decisions, tax law for business owners and a variety of other topics. Ms. Fields also advises our clients on a number of financial and investment matters.

In her spare time, Cindy enjoys days at the beach with her two sons, and spends time volunteering with Newborns in Need and Habitat for Humanity. She is a skilled fiber artist and enjoys wine tastings at area wineries.

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Nous avons conçu des règles très strictes pour la résussite de l’opération “Tontine – Terrain” sans que personne ne puisse être grugé

Combien sont-ils, ces Femmes et ces Hommes qui voulaient tant s’offrir un toit pour leurs enfants et eux mais qui ont été victimes de gens sans scrupule?

Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.

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Le niveau de vos revenus vous exclut d’une opération immobilière? N’en faites pas un drame !
Notre formule “Tontine – Terrain” vous permet de vous offrir un terrain puis de le bâtir à votre rythme. 

Le Plan de masse du site à Songon – Route de Dabou

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eu dignissim tortor, sit amet bibendum lacus. Integer eu faucibus leo, non pharetra dui.

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Quelques Vidéos de la zone et du terrain en attendant votre visite sur le site

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  • Sed et turpis ullamcorper

© An even smaller heading.

“A blockquote highlights important information, which may or may not be an actual quote. It uses distinct styling to set it apart from other content on the page.”



Blocks provide you with everything you need to build a larger page. They contain a variety of content elements, such as images, buttons, headings, and more. These elements are arranged in rows and columns, which provide a useful structure, as well as a sense of balance within the overall composition. You can modify this structure using our intuitive drag and drop interface, which allows you to rearrange content to your heart’s content.

Certain elements will be centered on mobile devices and tablets and aligned to the left or right on a desktop display.

Blocks provide you with everything you need to build a larger page. They contain a variety of content elements, such as images, buttons, headings, and more. These elements are arranged in rows and columns, which provide a useful structure, as well as a sense of balance within the overall composition. You can modify this structure using our intuitive drag and drop interface, which allows you to rearrange content to your heart’s content.

Certain elements will be centered on mobile devices and tablets and aligned to the left or right on a desktop display.

In addition, certain elements will be centered on mobile devices and tablets and aligned to the left or right on a desktop display. You can adjust the layout for each Block at three different device widths – desktop, tablet, and mobile.



Heading Level 4

Blocks provide you with everything you need to build a larger page.

Heading Level 4

Certain elements will be centered on mobile devices and tablets and aligned to the left or right on a desktop display.

Heading Level 4

You can adjust the layout for each Block at three different device widths – desktop, tablet, and mobile.


50 000 F CFA

Par personne et par mois sur 60 mois pour un groupe de 60 personnes.

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100 000

Par personne et par mois sur 30 mois pour un groupe de 30 personnes.

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200 000

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